Wednesday, July 20, 2016

How to Find Your Personal Niche

A niche is a topic that you believe in and you may know a lot about. It maybe something you are interested in, but want to know more about. It needs to be an original subject for you to share a unique perspective. This is how to get started in content marketing.

Examine every angle of a topic
Examine every angle of a topic

Writing in Niches

A niche is a distinct segment of a market. Let's say for instance, you are obsessed with cat eye reading glasses. They are a product that amuses you and they are something you seek out every time you go shopping for fun stuff. You may not be alone in this affection for the sleek, pointy readers. How can you turn this far out topic into your niche?

Think about all the points you might be able to make about these style of reading glasses. Research the item. You might want to expand the topic to sunglasses and fun wear. The cat eye glasses aren't necessarily for reading only, there may be a style that is fun and ties in well with a costume theme. Maybe, you could write about 50's poodle skirts and use the glasses to transform a sock hop gal into a smart looking, fun lady. Glasses are known to impress others as a sign of intelligence. These are the pieces to content articles you can develop into a small income generating articles and websites. 
Peek into the tiniest details when creating a niche
Peek into the tiniest details when creating a niche

Take any subject and expand on it. See every angle of it and describe it as best you can. Keep writing. Open a blog and just keep posting. Post once a week, once a month. As time goes on, the writing produced gets better and the ability to fashion it into an attractive presentation comes with experience. I am constantly working on improving my posts.

Posts need to be updated occasionally to keep them fresh in the Google rankings. The further you grow your niche, the farther the reach of your topic. Google likes content and it likes original writing. Publish at least 600-1200 words in your posts. Give your readers something of value and something to learn. 

The potential for a blog post to make money is in the effort. Keep trying different things, but do not repeat your writing. Turn out original perspectives and opinions on a topic. Search out the best brands. Seek the best quality. Post articles about the manufacturer and their history. Write about the materials and process needed to create the item. By increasing your understanding of a particular subject, you are helping others understand it, too, when  you share about it. Good information will attract visitors and help your articles succeed.

Use great quotes in your writing. Find one that fits your article or the general feel of your writing. Quotes are generally found in the opening of a good piece, but I would like to leave one here for you in conclusion. Thank you for visiting.

To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you. -- Tony Dorsett

Next article: The Steady Flow of Pennies with Online Earnings
(or Where does all that money come from with online earning potential?)

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Welcome New Writers

Welcome to the world of online publishing and content writing. The days and nights are about to get longer in your world as you explore all the aspects of this unique opportunity. The most rewarding thing you will find is a feeling of accomplishment when you finish a great post or page.

I will not lie to you about earning an income online. I will not boost your anticipation by telling you it is easy and you will make a big bonus in the first week. It is a difficult task and it takes years to accomplish even a small check. There are ways to boost your traffic, although the best routes cost you money.

The best practices take time to learn and developing your writing skill is a major factor in what earns you cash online. Start off slowly and learn to express yourself in blogging and research the topics you would like to conquer. The best niches are the ones you are passionate about. My personal niches are window painting art and preparedness. These both have many sub topics within that are a niche in themselves. Content is unlimited so to speak in my arena. I write about what I observe, things that I think another like-minded soul might appreciate reading. Sometimes, I just write to get things out of my head and into print - like I am doing now. Taking what thoughts led me to a certain conclusion and sharing them in one fashion or another is what has earned me a little bit of money online.

I have been writing for over four years in the online arena. I started off writing on a platform called Squidoo and it taught me a lot about common sense practices, responsible marketing, and fine tuning my writing skills. I have since published one book called The Essential Window Painting Guide and I plan on publishing several more books in time. There are hundreds of blog posts with my name on them now. I operate and edit 11 blogs and websites not including the pages I produced for Squidoo. The content I created there may now be found on Hubpages. Squidoo sold the site and the followers migrated to the new website. There are over 60 pieces there that are an assortment of my interests.

The ability to organize all of this content is a staggering task and an overwhelming chore at times. Start off with a good plan at the beginning. Create folders and files in the computer libraries to house your information properly. Take good notes and press on.

Next article: How to Find Your Personal Niche